Featured at TOYSREVIL - Oct 28, 2008
Fledgling toy-makers Kuso Designer Toys shares with us their first vinyl project: Ganmetall CELSIUS. Designed by Philippines-based ROTOBOX - the character is a winged cyborg assassin with a full backstory [READ] which no doubt will eventually lead to more characters made in toys, but until then, the spotlight is now fully on Celsius - who visually straddles the quasi hard-edge of alpha-male space military (with gear and high-concept ordnance) and the delicate balance between anime-infused kawai-dom and designer-vinyl body-form and proportion. The wings is a cool-touch, btw (altho hoping tis more mecha than organa / ala Archangel of the X-Men :p).
The fact that he is also manifest in comicbook form, makes it more appealing for me personally (C'mon guys, tell us there's an animated series on the way too, yeh? nyuknyuk). Celsius also happens to be Rotobox's mascot/icon.
The expected release date is around Jan 2009 with 600 pcs of Original color (BLACK). Each original colorway figure comes with 2 guns and a mini comic book. Pre-orders will be made available soon (along with further product description). Meanwhile, CLICK THRU to peep more prototype-sculpts and sample box-design :)
FYI: There will also be an exclusive-NYCC colorway (CAMO) which includes an exclusive weapon (HINT: check out the top-illustration) - limited to an estimated quantity of 150-pcs (Images to be revealed). *Stay tuned to TRE*
KUSO DESIGNER TOYS Company Statement:
Kuso Designer Toys LLC [www] is dedicated to support artists and designers with manufacturing needs. Whether it is vinyl toys, apperal, accesories, Kuso can help in turning your design into high quality products. The two guys that started Kuso are also passionate toy collectors. They were once in line get artists' autographs just like everyone else. Now they enjoy seeing innovations first hand, which is the very reason they aim to support the vast arstists. Kuso keeps a close relationship with their designers all over, from eastern vinyl to western. Arstists needs more time working on their artworks, the last thing they need to worry about is production. Kuso understands that important factor, and aims to fully support artists with their every production need. So do it the Kuso way!
link : http://toysrevil.blogspot.com/2008/10/introducing-ganmetall-celsius-by.html
Featured at SPANKYSTOKES - Oct 30, 2008
I was very fortunate to be contacted by Jonathan Ma of Kuso Vinyl, asking if I would do a story on this hot new vinyl figure with a release date of early 2009. I said "Heck yes!!!", because I have been seeing this pop up on other sites, I was all in! After a few e-mail's back and forth Jonathan some great info, and some great shots of the upcoming Celsius release. Check out what he had to say below!
Info and Story of Celsius(designed by Rotobox):
The expected release date is around Jan 2009 with 600 pcs of original color (black). We will also have NYCC exclusive (Camo colorway...revealed at a later date) around 150 pcs. Each original colorway figure comes with 2 guns and a mini comic book (refer to attachment), one more gun added for NYCC exclusive colorway. The final box design will be very similar to the pictures up on ToysRevil. The size of Celsius is 7 inches. The wingspan is around 8 inches. It's made out of vinyl. Price is undetermined at this point.
Created for the sole purpose of serving the evil Gunryu Empire lead by Emperor Nyan Nyan, Celsius was stolen by a small renegade squad known as S3uck (SSSUCK - Super Secret Squad Unit Combat Korps, pronounced as Suck) and has helped him understand the true intentions of the empire. Now fully aware of the evil doings of the empire, Celsius vowed to fight for justice and freedom and spread the message that "co-existence" is a vital role in our world.I am super excited for the release of this figure, not only is this sculpt rad, but the story behind it makes it that much more amazing. Call me a nerd(I'm alright with it) but this really reminds me of a futuristic version of PIT the character from Kid Icarus game on Nintendo. Who in the future had his actual wings removed and had them replaced with metal/robotic ones...anyways, keep checking back here because I hear this company is releasing 3 other toys soon, and I will have all the info for you!
Also be sure to CLICK THROUGH for more pics and info from this amazing up and coming toy company, and remember to check back soon for more updates and cool stuff to be posted here!
link : http://www.spankystokes.com/2008/10/celsius-by-rotobox-x-kuso-designer-toys.html
Featured at TOMOPOP
I always like to see prototypes of vinyl pieces, mostly so I can know what I need to be wasting my money on in a few months' time. And in the case of RotoBox's Celsius piece, I will certainly need to start saving up for it.
Being produced by Kuso Vinyl, an online retailer turned toy company, Celsius is a winged space superhero, sculpted in an anime-inspired style. With a machine gun in one hand and a pistol in the other, Celsius stands ready to defend the Earth from the forces of evil. No word yet on a release date or price, but I'm sold on Celsius already.
link: http://tomopop.com/post.phtml?pk=5778&un=Brian+Szabelski
Other Toy Site News:
Vinyl Pulse
Toycite - Toy Culture Collected
Vinyl Abuse Toy and Art Magazine
Plastic and Plush - Designer Toys News and Reviews
Albotas Toy News
Vince Toys Studio & Shop
link: http://tarjapreta.org/toys/ganmetall-celsius
link: http://www.figures.com/databases/action.cgi?setup_file=ttnews2.setup&category=urban&topic=191&show_article=1